Win or Lose, You Have to Take the Chance – June 24, 2017

Are you a fan of taking chances? Would you go to Vegas and put it all on black just for the rush? I am not that person. I can be brave and, sometimes, fearless but I will not usually throw caution to the wind. I believe in taking risks and tend to stay on the side of the calculated kind. Being analytical, I always try to determine the best possible outcome and take that route. Okay, in all honesty, I do that in every part of my life, except, that crazy, stupid love part. Yes, I have had many “WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?” moments in my more than 30 years (I won’t admit to many more than that.) I guess that is where my big personality conflict lies. I love adventure and calculated risk. Hmmmm, I am sure you see my dilemma here.
With taking chances, risk, and fear, there are always opportunities to give in and walk away. It can be scary. You know what else can be scary? Not taking them and not living. We all love our comfort zone. It’s safe there and we spend our time questioning why we would ever leave it. My grandmother loved her comfort zone. Lula Mae Kersey was her name. She loved fashionable hats, Johnny Carson, and drinking bourbon on the weekends. Our family has some great stories about those Sunday dinners. Man, I loved that woman. She was kind to me and always told me that I was her favorite. When she was younger, she got in her car, backed out of the driveway, and hit a car. She was so upset about it that she pulled that car back in the driveway and never drove again. Pay attention here: SHE NEVER DROVE AGAIN. For her, the risk was greater than the reward. She spent the rest of her days riding with her friends or family, taking the bus, or taking a taxi everywhere she went. This woman was one of the most important women in my life and I probably inherited my ability to loath change from her. I am sure I inherited a lot of other behaviors too; however, I will save that for the book.
When we avoid taking risks, we do not change and change is always required for growth. We have to make our way towards the result that is worth the risk. It is important for all of us to grow, to live, and to love. When you have moments of doubt, or, you don’t want to move out of your comfort zone, you have to leap. Leap off that cozy wagon and explore something new. We may fail. We may fail more than once, but, what if you don’t? What if you win this time? The object of the game is to keep playing and to never give up. As for love, I have failed more than I have won. I know that happens to a lot of us. That doesn’t mean that I am going to throw in the towel anytime soon. Be grateful for your wins and stay open to opportunities. I work really hard to be grateful, even on a bad day. I guess it is true that you win some and you lose some and it doesn’t make winning any less sweet.
Put on your running shoes, boys and girls, and get in that race! You deserve to win and instead of dying with no regrets, LIVE WITH NO REGRETS!
